Deep exploration of Yoga Tradition from Balinese traditional teachings.
The Balinese Yoga Tradition Online Course is based on dozens of traditional manuscripts that become the foundation for Balinese Art & culture — an exposition of the most sacred Balinese teachings that are now available to the global audience for the first time.
The course will take you on a journey into the sacred culture of Bali, from its artistic expression, mythological symbolism, and devotional spirits, to the esoteric wisdom of the ancient Balinese yogis.
Topic we will cover in this course:
Based on the recent studies of yoga history, this lesson aims to explore the development of yoga tradition: from the Indus Valley Civilization to the Vedic Period, to the Śramaṇa movements; from the Tantric Age that gave rise to Classical Haṭha Yoga, down to colonial era that gives birth to Modern Postural Yoga.
This lesson will summarise what is yoga in each stage of development to give you a concise yet exhaustive understanding of yoga tradition in Indian and Global contexts.
This lesson will take you on a journey to ancient Balinese Yoga Tradition that became prevalent long before Bali was known to the West.
Drawing the data from Epigraphical, Archaeological, and Textual sources, we will review Balinese yoga from the 9th Century CE to the 15th Century and how all of these teachings were forgotten by the era of “Modern Balinese Hinduism” in the early 1960s.
Balinese spiritual tradition is well preserved in its palm-leaf manuscripts, that is “Tantric” in nature. This lesson will introduce you to the rich literary heritage in Bali and its yogic teachings that become the sources for this course.
Thousands of those texts are the record of ancient Balinese Wisdom; from healing to the pursuit of supernatural power, spiritual practices to material pleasures, priestly knowledge to shamanic secrets. These texts, although forgotten by most Balinese, are the mother that gives rise to the entire Balinese culture.
This course will digest the nature of Balinese yoga, its theoretical grounds and practical approach. Various yoga teachings from various texts will invite you to take your yoga practice to different layers of your existence.
The lesson will also explain the phenomenological views of human experience; how we are imprisoned by our suffering and the steps we can take to attain liberation.
This lesson is based on Balinese Śaiva Tantric Literature called the Tattvas and its descriptions of the Yoga of Six Limbs (Ṣaḍaṅga-yoga). Topics discussed in this lesson include; the theoretical foundations of Śaiva Yoga, the stages and steps of yoga, the hindrances of yoga, the progression and its attainments.
This lesson will also discuss the states of awareness to be trained in the yoga practices; from personal to transcendental states of awareness.
The mysticism of Akṣara (letters/ syllabary) is the most popular discourse among traditional Balinese yoga practitioners, healers, high priests, high priestesses, etc. The Mystical discourses of syllabaries are also one of the main characteristics of the Tantras.
Based on the Tutur Literature, this lesson will invite you to explore the fascinating principles of the Yoga of Sacred Letters in Balinese Tradition.
Balinese religion is syncretic of Śaiva and Buddhist Tantras, and so it’s also called “Śaiva-Buddha Religion.”
Based on Buddhist Tantric Literature, this course specifically discussed the Buddhist Yoga in Bali which is called the Advaya-yoga (the yoga of non-duality), which centred around how to give birth to the Buddhahood inside of us.
After exploring monastic Śaiva and Buddhist yoga tradition that focuses on pursuing spiritual enlightenment, this lesson will introduce you to the “Śākta yoga” that is concerned with worldly power and achievements.
Drawing from a genre of literature called Kawiśeṣan, this lesson discusses the implementation of yoga power for healing, black magic (leak), and other supernatural abilities.
This lesson will invite you to take a look at the way of the sage-poets and artists, and how they practised yoga through aesthetic expressions. This lesson is based on Javano-Balinese poetic literature, and the sacred treatises of the artists, performers, and puppeteers.
We will discuss the “yoga of beauty and entrancement” and how to integrate those yogic teachings into your daily life.
As a land of Tantra, Bali also developed its own discourses on kuṇḍalinī, cakra, nāḍi, and subtle bodies. The descriptions of “Kundalini yoga” in Balinese literature are widespread across literary genres, and practices for various purposes by different types of Balinese Yogis & Yoginis.
In this lesson, we will discuss different perspectives on the cakra system, Kuṇḍalinī and the science to prolong life, the purification of every layer of the body, and many more.
Explore the sacred way of the mystics in integrating yoga, devotion (pūjā), and ritual (yajña). This lesson will invite you to take a sacred path; nurture a devotional heart, to perform rituals through meditative living, and be the vessel of bliss for every being.
If you enjoying pūjā, kirtan/ bhajan, ritual, pilgrimage, etc., this lesson will sparks insights on how to make sure you’re doing it right.
This lesson is contemplation on various aspects of Balinese yoga, and how to integrate it in my daily life. This course summarized the meaning of being a yogi in Balinese sense — that is being a whole and blissful human being.
This lesson takes Balinese Wisdom discussed in previous lesson in a more down-to-earth topics such as: wellbeingness, releasing toxic emotions, building a happy relationship, life a more fulfilling life, etc.
You will get immediate access to 14 video lectures that take you on the journey of the rich Balinese yoga tradition.
All video lectures come with an audio version for you who preferred to listen to it while doing other things
Each lecture is equipped with annotated transcripts; footnotes, references, and all necessary additions.
If you have any questions about each topic, we will carefully answer them based on a thorough understanding of Balinese traditional manuscripts.
The course is also supplied with additional training materials such as interactive presentations, timelines, and illustrations to help you better understand each lesson.
Once you purchase the course, you will have a lifetime access to each contents and all upcoming additional materials that are updated frequently.
This course is a series of lectures that will take you on a journey into Balinese Yoga Tradition as explained in its traditional literature (lontar) and embedded in its art and culture. We will discuss various yoga (meditation) methods (from Saiva, Buddha, and Shakta traditions), historical developments, contemplative teachings, and many more.
We will explore the depth of yoga teachings beyond asana and discover insightful wisdom for your life journey.
Based on dozens of traditional manuscripts, designed in a scholarly approach, presented for a wide audience, and tailor-made for modern practitioners. This course is the first and the most comprehensive exposition of the Balinese yoga tradition that is finally available for global audiences.
Not just Balinese yoga, The Balinese Yoga Tradition Course will take you on a journey of Balinese (and pre-modern Indonesian) spiritual tradition in general.
We provide a discussion forum for the course where you can submit your question and get a thorough answer directly from the lecturer. The forum is also designed to make you and others can learn from each discussion.
This course is a series of lectures that focuses on the philosophical ground of Balinese Yoga Tradition and postural exercises that have never been part of traditional Balinese Yoga. So, we will not practices any poses or sequence.
Of course, you can. The Balinese Yoga Tradition Course is designed for everybody. The lesson’s progression will give you the necessary understanding of each concept so you can follow each topic even if you are completely new to the topic.
At the same time, the course is delivered with simplicity and depth that will ensure a thorough understanding of each lesson.
The Certificate of Completion of The Balinese Yoga Tradition Course will be automatically generated once you finish the whole lesson and assignments. You can download the certificate on your member dashboard page.
There is no extra charge for the certificate.
Once you purchase The Balinese Yoga Tradition Course, access will be available forever. You will also have lifetime access to additional materials that will be updated frequently, without extra charges.
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I’m working hard to bring the course as soon as possible, with the best quality we could work on, please leave your email and I will let you know when the enrollment is open.